Keyword Rank Tracking

Keyword Positions in Search results.
Do you know where your website is positioned?

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Unlock the Power of Precision: Check Your Website Keyword Positions with Chameleon's Rank Tracker

At Chameleon Web Services, we've been at the forefront of Digital Marketing and SEO since 2001, pioneering strategies that elevate your online presence and drive measurable results. One critical aspect of ensuring your digital strategy's success is monitoring your website's keyword positions in Google. Our cutting-edge Chameleon Rank Tracker is your compass in the vast landscape of the digital realm, providing you with invaluable insights into the performance of your keywords.

Key Features

Why Keyword Tracking Matters

Plugin updates

Measuring Success

Understand the impact of your digital marketing efforts by tracking your keyword positions on Google. This data allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your SEO strategies and content optimization.


Competitor Analysis

Stay ahead of the game by monitoring how your website ranks against competitors for specific keywords. Identify opportunities and refine your strategy based on market trends.

Website Alert

Strategic Decision-Making

Make informed decisions about your digital marketing budget and efforts. Adjust your strategy based on real-time data to ensure maximum ROI.

Website Backups

Keyword Monitoring

Our Chameleon Rank Tracker is a sophisticated tool designed to provide you with accurate and real-time data on your website's keyword positions in Google. Here's why it stands out:

Fast Hosting

Integration with Google Analytics

Seamlessly connect your Chameleon Rank Tracker with Google Analytics to gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior on your website. This integration enhances the precision of your keyword tracking and enables data-driven decision-making.

Fast Hosting

Sync with Google Search Console

Chameleon's Rank Tracker goes beyond keyword positions by syncing with Google Search Console. This integration provides deeper insights into your website's performance, highlighting areas for improvement and optimization.

Unleashing Precision in Keyword Monitoring

Chameleon Keyword Rank Tracker Packages

At Chameleon Web Services, we empower businesses to take control of their digital destiny. Our Rank Tracker is not just a tool; it's a partner in your journey to online success. Sign up today and experience the difference precision can make in your digital marketing strategy.


For small business' who just need to make sure their website is ranking.

£ 20 / month

1 User Access Account

1 location

25 Keywords

Website audit

1 Competitor

Most Popular


For business' who need to make sure their website is up-to-date and need some support.

£ 25 / month

2 User Access Accounts

2 Location Profiles

50 Keywords

Website Audit Access
(1 per month)

3 Competitors

Google Analytics and
Google Search Console Connections


The ultimate plan for business' who rely heavily on their website being on full form at all times.

£ 55 / month

Users with Access
(dependant upon need of business)

Up to 5 location profiles

Maximum 200 keywords

Website Audit Access
(as many as requested)

10 Competitors
(Max. allowance)

Google Analytics and
Google Search Console Connections

Bespoke Client Tracker

£ Depending on requirements / month

Users with Access (dependant upon need of business)

Up to 5 location profiles

Maximum 200 keywords

Website Audit Access (as many as requested)

10 Competitors (Max. allowance)

Google Analytics and Google Search Console Connections

*pricing does not include vat

Devices with Chameleon Contact Page

Need to track your keywords and not sure what to do, get in touch!