Case Study

CTS Direct

CTS Direct showcase

Project Overview

CTS Direct is an eCommerce company that specialises in selling electronic door locks. They have a unique sales process where customers must fill out a contact form on their website to request a quote or place an order. However, despite a strong online presence, CTS Direct was not seeing the lead generation they desired. They approached Chameleon to help them improve their website and increase lead generation.

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Online Shop

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Product Page

The problem was an outdated, badly designed website.

The client’s website was not effectively communicating the unique sales process to potential customers. Additionally, the website’s design was outdated and not visually appealing. As a result, potential customers were not filling out the contact form and were instead going to the competition.

Modernised UI/UX adding new supporting brand colours & fonts.

We worked with CTS Direct to redesign their website with a modern and visually appealing design. We also created a clear and prominent call-to-action on every page, directing potential customers to fill out the contact form to request a quote or place an order.

A successful partnership with leading electronic lock supplier.

Chameleon was able to help CTS Direct increase lead generation by redesigning their website and implementing a clear call-to-action and solution discovery section. The new website’s modern and visually appealing design helped to communicate the unique sales process to potential customers and allowed users to easily find the products they need. This resulted in a significant increase in form submissions and a decrease in bounce rate, indicating that potential customers were more engaged with the website.

Platforms & plugins we used:

Increased lead generation.


more form submissions


decrease in bounce rate


increase in time spent on site

Devices with Chameleon Contact Page

Want a new website of your own or want to get to page one of Google?